Health and medical information and support for families
Pharmacy First
People in Leicestershire can now get NHS treatments for seven common illnesses from their local pharmacy without the need for a GP appointment or prescription. You can walk into your local pharmacy and ask for treatment for one of the following illnesses:
- Painful blocked noses (sinusitis) in patients aged 12 years old and over
- Sore throats in patients aged 5 years old and over
- Earache in patients aged 1 to 17 years old
- Infected insect bites in patients aged 1 years and older
- Impetigo in patients aged 1 years and older
- Shingles in patients aged 18 years and over
- Water (urinary tract) infections in women aged 16 to 64 years old
If you get free prescriptions you won’t need to pay for any treatment. Please see the attached short leaflet for more information.
Measles/MMR vaccination
We have been asked to share this information by the NHS as cases are rising and children are at risk. Please check to see if your child is up to date with their MMR vaccine to protect them against catching measles.
You may have seen the news about the increasing number of measles cases in Leicestershire. We know that there has been a significant number of outbreaks in schools in our city and across the country.
It's important that if you would like to be vaccinated, or if you are unsure of your vaccination status, you contact your GP. They will be able to either provide information about your vaccination status or organise your vaccination for you.
Please use this link below to take you to the Family Hubs website, where you will find information about the support offered through the Family Hubs to families, children and young people across Leicestershire.
Our local Family Hub, where you’ll find a range of services, is in the Oadby Library. The Oadby Library Family Hub is close to the centre of Oadby. The library is on one level and is autism friendly.
10 The Parade, Oadby, LE2 5BF
0116 305 8763
NHS Leicestershire Partnership Trust - 0-19 Care Navigation Service
Care Navigators are a point of contact for Families and Professionals to:
- Share information to avoid duplication of services.
- Help with getting the right services to support children, young people & families.
- Signpost to local support networks.
- Provide information around health appointments (who/where/when)
- Provide information on up-and-coming health appointments.
- Ensure that a child is on a waiting list.
- Check that referrals made have been received and actioned.
The Care Navigation Team leaflet with more information can be accessed here.
All we need as a school before contacting the service is verbal consent from YP parent/carer to share any health information. The contact number is on the leaflet and is also shown here:
0116 21563269
Healthy Together 5-11 offer
Click below for the first copy of the Healthy Together newsletter.
From September 2022 the Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s Healthy Together service has been awarded the contract to deliver public health services for 0–11-year-olds for the next 3 years by Leicestershire and Rutland County Councils. This means that they will continue to deliver their school nursing and award-winning digital health services for primary schools in Leicestershire and Rutland. As part of the new contract, they will also be bringing in some changes and improvements to the services they offer, while maintaining some of their usual duties, including the National Child Measurement Programme. We can support parents by putting in referrals.
Support is available for your children if you need help with:
- Toileting
- Diet, nutrition and healthy eating
- Behaviour
- Sleep
- Emotional health and well-being support
You can contact the Wigston & Oadby school nursing team directly on 0300 3003001.
There is also a Chat Health website for parents which will give confidential advice - follow the link Home Page - ChatHealth or text 07520 615382.
The Health for Kids website offers activities for children and advice for parents
Health for Kids | A fun and interactive resource for learning about health
A new website that also encourages children to get active that you might find fun is
Move It Boom – It's time to get active and interactive!
FREE Online courses for residents of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has partnered with the Solihull Approach to sponsor FREE online courses developed by psychologists and professionals.
These courses are designed to help you understand your child’s feelings, as well as focus on your own feelings as you go through life as a family. You will also learn to understand the changes in your child’s development and how to make the most out of each relationship.
We wholeheartedly recommend these courses – they are for everyone, for everyday parenting. They don’t tell you how to parent, that’s up to you. Instead, they give you a framework for understanding what might be going on and space to think about how you want to respond.
For ALL parents, carers, grandparents and teens. We all need a bit of headspace and thinking time occasionally.
From bump to 19+ years. Including adult relationships.
In addition to this, the Solihull Approach have translated the promotional leaflets into 21 of the most commonly spoken languages in the UK, including Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Arabic and more. If you would like these leaflets in the translated languages please let me know.
Courses include:
1a. Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby
1b. Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby: for women couples
2. Understanding your baby (0-12 months)
2a. Understanding your preterm or sick baby in hospital
2b. Understanding your preterm or sick baby now you're home
Children and Young People
3a. Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager (6 mths - 19+ years)
3b. Understanding your child with additional needs (6 mths - 19+ years)
4. Understanding your teenager's brain
7. Understanding your child's feelings
8. Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing (accompanies 3a and/or 3b)
Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager
Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child
For Teenagers
5. Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
6. Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)
For Adults
9. Understanding your relationships
10. Understanding your own trauma
Click here for more information
Supporting our families with younger children who bite
The following links will provide support for families if their child is biting and parents who are dealing with a child who has been bitten:
Stop children biting and hitting: Top tips and strategies for parents - BBC Tiny Happy People
Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite | NAEYC
Animal and human bites - NHS (
Scarlet Fever and Group Strep A Infections
UKHSA is reporting an increased number of cases of Group A streptococcus (Strep A) compared to normal at this time of year. There is no evidence that a new strain is circulating and the increase is most likely related to high amounts of circulating bacteria and social mixing.
What are scarlet fever and Strep A?
Scarlet fever is caused by bacteria called Group A streptococci (Strep A). The bacteria usually cause a mild infection that can be easily treated with antibiotics.
In very rare occasions, the bacteria can get into the bloodstream and cause an illness called invasive Group A strep (iGAS).
What are the symptoms of Strep A/scarlet fever?
Strep A infections can cause a range of symptoms that parents should be aware of, including:
If a child becomes unwell with these symptoms, parents are advised to contact their GP practice or contact NHS 111 (which operates a 24/7 service) to seek advice.
If a child has scarlet fever, the advice is to stay at home until at least 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment to avoid spreading the infection to others.
Parents are encouraged to trust their own judgement and if their child seems seriously unwell call 999 or go to A&E if:
Request To Administer Medicines Form
Please fill in a request to administer medicine form and return this to the school office.