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Year 6

At Woodland Grange, we strive to make Year 6 as fun and memorable as we can, through our varied curriculum and additional experiences. Whilst we know that they face a tough series of assessments at the end of the year, we want our pupils to enjoy themselves along the way. We hope that they will leave us as independent, creative learners, feeling prepared about the next steps in their education and confident within themselves.


Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. The children can come into school wearing their PE kit on these days. Please ensure your child is not wearing any jewellery on PE days.

The children will receive arithmetic homework every Friday, due in the following Friday. Spellings are handed out on a Monday, with the children being tested the following Monday. This will begin in the second week of term.


In Year 6, we have lots of exciting and challenging texts on our bookshelves, which can be enjoyed at school and at home (as long as they are returned when finished!). We expect children to read at least five times a week, for a period of twenty minutes - or longer! 

To support your child's reading, we have attached the reading VIPERS pack which contains suggested questions that can be asked, or used as a conversation starter about any book.