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At Woodland Grange we want every child to enjoy their time at school, free from discrimination of any type. If a pupil feels they are being bullied then we hope they feel confident enough to speak to us and know that we will deal with it in a caring and sensitive way.

Bullying is wrong and harmful and we do everything we can to prevent any form of discrimination.

We remind children what defines bullying and what they must do if they feel they are being bullied. All school staff are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying to Mrs Brown or Mr Parker.

'At Woodland Grange we regard any type of bullying as totally unacceptable. We define bullying as deliberate, hurtful, repetitive behaviour, in which a child has some type of hold over another, and where a child being bullied finds it difficult to defend him/herself '

What is Bullying?

  • Several
  • Times
  • On
  • Purpose

What can you do?

  • Start
  • Telling
  • Other
  • People

Each year at Woodland Grange we support ‘Anti-Bullying week’ organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. 'By making a positive change to show kindness and respect to everyone then we can stop bullying and create a safer environment where children can live, grow, play and learn'. (ABA)

We must recognise and celebrate our differences. We are all unique and no-one should feel excluded or bullied as a result.

More information on anti-bullying week can be found by following the links at the bottom of the page. We also cover themes around bullying & discrimination across our curriculum (in every year group).

The Anti-Bullying policy can be found on the OAK Academies trust website:

Our e-safety page has further information on cyber-bullying

We are all a piece in the puzzle and together we can be UNITED AGAINST BULLYING.


The links in the section below will hopefully help with further advice and information on a range of e-safety issues including online gaming, social media, live-streaming and cyberbullying).

Web links 

Beyond Bullying 

Anti-Bullying Alliance 


Bullying UK