The role of you as parents in the education of your child is a crucial one.
To help you provide the best support for your child at home we encourage you to communicate with your child's class teacher through comments on tapestry in foundation stage and reading or home/school diaries in other year groups.
We have parents evening appointments in the autumn and spring term and an end of year report to review your child's attainment and progress as well as discuss any issues that you might have.
Home - School Communication Charter
Communication between home and school is vital to good communications and for the well-being of pupils, parents, carers and staff. This Charter sets out how communication will be managed to make sure it is productive.
Our school day begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3.15pm. It is vital that you make sure that your child is not late in the mornings and that you are on site promptly for the end of the day.
Children should not be on the school site before 8.30am
The school day is 32 hours and 5 minutes long.
Please contact the school office if your child is unable to attend school due to illness. We realise that medical appointments will need to made during the school day. As with absence please let the office know.
Please follow the links to the right to access further information.