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Year 2

10+ Beautiful Smiley Wallpapers | Smiley Symbol


Welcome to our Year 2 page. We will keep this page updated with key news and information on our curriculum.

Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday. Please make sure earrings and any other jewellery are taken off on those days for safety purposes. 

Click here to open a plan for the year.

When we test the children on their dictations, we will send the books home for parents to look at. Please make sure they come back to school the next day – thank you. 

Click here to open the presentation for our curriculum evening.

For the 'Parents Guide to Reading with your Child' please click here.


Don't forget we need to have Indoor and Outdoor P.E kits in school all week. 


Both Year 2 classes will be doing Indoor P.E on Mondays. Both classes will be doing Outdoor P.E on Thursdays, so remember to take any jewellery off for those days and make sure that P.E kits are in school from Monday. We will send home P.E kits on Fridays to be washed. 

We will be checking reading diaries when we hear the children read each week and on a Friday morning. If there is a comment from an adult stating that the book has been read and fully understood, we will be changing the reading book. We will be doing Guided Reading every other week, so, we will check reading diaries on Tuesdays those weeks to see if reading books need changing. 

Don't forget to send in choosing books to change on a Tuesday and library books to change on a Friday.

We are continuing our reading challenge where the children who read their school reading book, at least 3 times a week, will get entered into a draw for the reader of the week. Lots of you have already been doing this and have taken up the challenge - keep up the great work. 


 Week beginning 13th May 2024




In Maths, we are finishing off our work about fractions. We will be finding ¾ of shapes and amounts then counting in fractions up to a whole. We will then complete an end of block assessment.

After that, we will move onto our work about Time. We will start by looking at o’clock and half past.

Have a look at this website to practise your fractions knowledge.

What are fractions? | BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize






You could also look at this website to do some work on your time skills.

O’clock and half past - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize








Phonics – we will be looking at the suffixes er, est and y to words that have one syllable with a vowel then a single consonant e.g. run – runner/runny, big – bigger/biggest, sun – sunny, hot – hottest/hotter.

We are going to be starting work on a new book this week called The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

To start with, we will be predicting what the story might be about based on the front cover, using inference to help us make sensible suggestions.

We will then move onto sequencing the story using the pictures to help and writing sentences to match. This will help familiarise us with the story.

Our next job will be to create our own creature which we will then describe using adjectives in noun phrases. Where possible, we will also be using adverbs to describe how they do things.

Finally, we will use our understanding of adverbs and adjectives to write a description of a setting.

In R.E, we will be looking at the story from the Christian faith called The Loaves and The Fishes. We will be looking at why this story is important to Christians.

In Science, we will be summarising our work on gardening and plants called The Apprentice Gardener. We will be looking at what we know about how seeds and plants grow and what they need to be healthy.

In our art work, we will be working on our topic inspired by the artist Sean Briggs. This week we will try out using charcoal and pen when completing some observational drawings of pandas.

In Music, we will be carrying on our work about Technology, Form and Structure. We will be using technology to create music and practise counting beats and bars of music to make sure sections are the same length.  

In Geography, we will be carrying on our topic about Hot and Cold Places. This week we will be looking at understanding what a desert is like. We will be creating a collage of a desert.

We will be continuing our work about robot algorithms in ICT.


Week beginning 20th May 2024




In Maths, we are carrying on with our work about Time. We will be looking at quarter past and quarter to then telling the time past and to a number in 5 minute intervals e.g. 20 to 8, 10 past 4.

We will be looking at where the minute hand is and where the hour hand will be for each analogue time we look at.

You could also look at this website to do some work on your time skills.

O’clock and half past - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize








Phonics – we will be looking at i as i e.g. cricket/king, then i as y e.g. myths/pyramid, then o as o e.g. orange/fox, then o as (w)a or (qu)a e.g. what/squad.  

We will be carrying on our work using the book The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

We will be creating a plan for our own version of the story. Last week we created our own creature and setting which we will use in our own version of the story.

We will then write the first half of the story, using our plans, and then write the second, final half. Finally, we will edit and improve our story by re-reading it and checking it to make sure it makes sense and is as interesting to read as possible.  

We will then look at how to answer reading comprehension questions focusing on checking the text for answers.

In P.S.H.E, we will be looking at how to build our resilience and exploring the idea that having positive thoughts can help us achieve our goals.

In Science, we will be summarising our work on gardening and plants called The Apprentice Gardener. We will be looking at what mature plants need to remain healthy.

In our art work, we will be working on our topic inspired by the artist Sean Briggs. This week we will try out using charcoal and pen when completing some observational drawings of pandas.

We didn’t get to do this lesson last week, so we will be completing it this week instead.

In Music, we will be carrying on our work about Technology, Form and Structure. We will be using technology to create music making some simple rhythms that can then be put over some loops.

In Geography, we will be carrying on our topic about Hot and Cold Places. This week we will be looking at the different layers in the rainforest and sorting animals into where they live within the rainforest.














































































White Rose Maths White rose maths

We mentioned during the Curriculum evening that our Maths scheme is remaining as WRM. There are lots of resources such as videos and activities to support your children with at home on their website. It is free to create a login. 

Here is the link to sign up : 


Introducing Rocket Phonics


As part of the Oak Academy Trust, Woodland Grange Primary School are starting this academic year with a new Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme. From Pre-school to Year 2 we will now be using Rocket Phonics to support our teaching of reading and writing instead of our previous scheme which followed Letters and Sounds alongside Jolly Phonics.


What is Rocket Phonics?


Systematic Synthetic Phonics is not new in schools. We have chosen to use Rocket Phonics as it combines the alphabetic code knowledge and skills that are needed to learn to read and write, with language-rich children’s literature. This approach will embed phonics in context, and support a love of reading and writing from the outset.


Reading in Year 2

What does this mean for you?

  • We have a brand-new reading book scheme that works alongside the Rocket Phonics Programme to compliment our teaching in school.
  • The Rocket Phonic books are designed to appeal to children who are starting to learn to read, as well as those who are becoming fluent readers.
  • The books are a variety of fiction and non-fiction, written by phonics experts and children’s book writers.
  • All of the books have been carefully levelled according to book banding and other criteria, to ensure gradual progression in difficulty.


  • Foundation Stage pupils have a wide variety of new reading materials to send home, when they are ready.
  • In KS1, year groups 1 and 2, we will endeavour to ensure that your child has an appropriate reading book that seamlessly matches their reading ability as a continuation of their reading progress.

Handwriting and spelling

  • The children will be using new sound mats to support their letter and sound correspondences. There are 4 sound mats that will be available to download on the school website.
  • We are currently updating our handwriting and letter formation teaching strategy. We know that many of you are keen to have these resources to support your child’s learning at home. We aim to upload these on to the school’s website as soon as they are available.
  • In the first term of the academic year, each year group will hold a Curriculum Evening to explain their learning in more detail.



We will be sending home a dictation for your child to learn every other Tuesday. It will be stuck into their Homework book. We will test the children on the dictation the next Tuesday ( the date is written on the dictation). When we test them at school we won't do the sentences in the same order, so it is a good idea to mix the sentence order up when practising at home.  It will help with the children's spelling and also with their understanding of sentence writing and punctuation. It is a good idea to remind them where to put capital letters and full stops when writing out their dictation sentences to help them develop good habits in their writing. We will be giving out house points not only for correct spellings but for punctuation as well. 

Each child has been given a dictation based on how they are doing with their spellings and phonics. We will be reviewing the dictation groups regularly and will adjust groups if we think that is the right thing to do based on how the children are getting on.



Take a look at our curriculum in action.

Vegetable Chilli

We made vegetable chilli. We had to follow a recipe, chop all the ingredients, measure out all the quantities then cook it in a big pan. Once it was ready we got to taste what we had made. It was delicious! 

Great Fire of London 

We learnt all about the Great Fire of London. We made model houses and created our own model of London from 1666 placing the buildings very close together. Then we recreated the Great Fire itself! It was very exciting to watch.

Great Fire of London 1666

Christmas biscuits

We made cheesy Christmas biscuits. It was hard work making the dough. We had to weigh all the ingredients and follow the recipe carefully.

Grace Darling

We looked at the story of Grace Darling. Look at our amazing lighthouse pictures.


We learnt all about castles. We went on a trip to visit Warwick Castle, it was amazing! There were lots of steps to climb up Guy's Tower. It is 39 metres high! We watched the Trebuchet being fired and saw the birds of prey display. It was an amazing day.

Healthy Eating

We made healthy and unhealthy lunchboxes.