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Year 4

    Leicestershire Libraries have launched their Summer Reading Challenge for 2024. This year is all about getting CREATIVE. Music, junk-modelling, photography, dancing, story-writing...the possibilities are endless. The Challenge is for children aged 4-12 (although there is a mini Under-4s Challenge too!). Join the Marvellous Makers in Leicestershire Libraries from 6 July to 7 September.

  • Go to your library this summer to sign up and get your Marvellous Makers collector’s foldout poster!
  • Read books and collect stickers and other rewards for your reading (watch out for the smelly stickers!)
  • In Leicestershire Libraries, we encourage children to read 6 books and visit their local library 3 times. At the end, you will receive a certificate with your name on and a medal. Remember, you can read ANYTHING.
  • Reading together counts too. It could be a chapter book, picture book, comic, graphic novel, fact book, eBook or audiobook.

There are events on at local libraries throughout the summer too.

For more information click here.




Welcome to our Year 4 page. We will keep this page updated with key news and information about our curriculum.

Welcome back to Summer Term!

Core notices:

As per the parent mail, our Ukulele concert is Monday afternoon (1st July) in the hall. 

A reminder that on Thursday 4th July, the school is closed for the general election. 


Swimming has now finished. 4DH to do indoor PE on a Tuesday now and 4BS to do it on a Wednesday. 

Outdoor PE to remain on a Friday. 

-Ukuleles lessons every Monday as it was last term. 

It is really important that every child has a pair of indoor shoes that they are able to change into when in the classroom. With the cold, wet weather, the playground and outdoor spaces are much wetter and muddier this time of year. Having a pair of indoor shoes will ensure that the classrooms stay clean and comfortable environments for the children to learn in.

Key Documents

Overview of year- click

If you missed the curriculum evening, please have a look through the ppt by clicking here. Feel free to arrange a chat if there is anything you wish to discuss further. 


Below is an overview of the core spellings we learn this year:

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2

PE and Swimming:

Our day for indoor PE is Wednesday. On this day, children need to bring their indoor PE kit to school in a bag. Mr Healey's class is going swimming in the Autumn term and so will need their swimming kits in school on Wednesday instead of their indoor PE kit.

Our day for outdoor PE is Friday. On this day, children can come to school wearing their outdoor PE kit and remain in their kit for the day.

Homework and Spellings

Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in on the following Friday.

Spellings will also be set on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday. 

Reading Diaries

Children are encouraged to read at least three times a week with an adult. Teachers will check reading diaries weekly in order to check that children are reading regularly. Reading diaries will be checked on a Monday.

Times tables practise 

We encourage weekly practise of timetables. There are regular tournaments and challenges which we set the children through the Times Tables Rockstars website -Times Tables Rock Stars ( will take home a letter explaining this website and have their own usernames and passwords. Teachers can use this website to set individualised timetables for each child to practise based on their performance in weekly class assessments. 

R.E. and P.S.H.E

This half-term, in R.E. lessons, children will be studying a unit of work on Hinduism. In P.S.H.E. lessons, children will be covering topics regarding staying safe in the wider world and dealing with increased responsibility as they get older.

Week beginning: 1st July


This week, we will be concluding our writing unit on the Flood. This week we will be looking at writing a script for a news broadcast. We will look at writing questions that could be used for interviewing a key witness. We will explore the difference between open and closed questions. 


We will begin our last maths topic on positioning and direction. We will look at plotting coordinates and translation. 





ICT: We will continue our new topic on coding games. This lesson will be looking at applying what we have learnt on block coding to begin to make their own basic games. 

Science: we will continue our topic on circuits. This lesson will be looking at how we can test for faulty components by setting up a working circuit. 

Art: We will finalise our tsunami art work by adding black silhouettes. 

PE: Indoor PE: yoga 

Outdoor PE: cricket


DT: Children have now looked at existing models and have made DIY swithces. We will begin planning and building our final models. 






Week beginning 24/06


This week, we will continue our unit on the book called, 'The Flood'. It is a lovely book and is unusual in the sense that it has no words, only images to tell the story.

We will finish our diary entries from last week exploring the characters feelings. We will then aim to produce a news report on the flood. 


We will finish our unit on time telling. After this we will start our unit on position and direction looking at coordinates and plotting. 




DT: We will explore our design brief on building a working torch. We will then disassemble existing torches  to see the components that make them up. 

ICT: We will continue our new topic on coding games.

Science: We will continue our topic on circuits. This lesson we will look at fault spotting in a circuit by looking at the reasons why the bulb will not work.  

Art: We will continue to work on water colour techniques adding the finishing touches to our tsunami art. This will include adding salt to make the sea look rough and silhouette backgrounds.  

PE: Indoor PE: yoga 

Outdoor PE: cricket






Take a look at our curriculum in action.



We had an amazing Roman day at Lunt Fort. We learnt about the life of a Roman Legionary and even had a go at different shield formations.

Making Roman heads of Caesar and sketching faces.