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Year 1

If your child is not in school on Wednesday 5th or Friday 7th July, click here to access our home learning page.


Welcome to our Year 1 page. We will keep this page updated with key news and information on our curriculum.

Click here to open a plan for the year.

Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday. Monday is outdoor PE, so please ensure that your child has jogging bottoms, trainers and a house coloured jumper to wear outside. Thursday PE is indoors, in the hall, and we will wear our PE shorts and house coloured T-shirts. No jewellery at all on these days. Thank you.

If you were unable to attend our Year One Curriculum Evening on 20th September, please click on the following link for a copy of our curriculum evening presentation: /_site/data/files/users/19/files/708117EDBDFD0540A35111424FB219F3.pdf


Polite reminder

All children need plimsolls in school. Please ask your children if they still fit 😊


White Rose Maths 

Our Maths scheme is White Rose Maths. There are lots of resources such as videos and activities to support your child at home with on their website. It is free to create a login. 

Please follow this link to sign up:

You can also access a 1-minute maths app via a phone or tablet device with this web address:

* We have recently added a link, under the green tabs on the right-hand side of this page, relating to the upcoming Phonics Screening Check that will take place in year 1 on the week commencing 10th June. Hopefully, this guidance document produced by the government last year will answer most of your questions about what is involved. Over the next few weeks, the children's homework will be focused around supporting your child at home and provide additional revision materials, in addition to the activities we are carrying out in class. 













Some examples of what we get up to in year one:

Irchester Country Park Trip


We met rangers Charlotte and Helen. They gave us a safety talk before setting off to look at some habitats and plants.


We saw rabbit holes and a badger's set...


We learnt a lot about different plants before spending some time on the adventure playground to warm us up after a windy picnic lunch.

Decorations Day:


At the beginning of the year, we love sharing our 'summer boxes' with some of our favourite objects:


In Science, we look at the features of different animals. We have lots of fun looking at a Sea Bass fish and labelling the gills, fins, tail, eyes and mouth. We also look at leaves and how they change across the seasons and classify different materials by their properties. We explore our five senses and label parts of our bodies.


We love being hands-on in maths, working with partners and using a range of different resources to solve problems:


As well as exploring different mathematical problems through our continuous provision:


The Creative table & workshop are an important part of our continuous provision. We can make a range of different objects, including making a pair of glasses, or creating chalk art and even testing out our paper aeroplanes outside.


The teaching of early writing is very important in Year 1. Pupils are engaged with key texts throughout the year, and we were recently excited and amazed at Goldilocks' antics in our classroom! We love using our sound mats to help support our spelling and phonics knowledge.


In the computer suite, during the autumn term, we learn how to use the mouse to draw simple shapes and lines to create digital paintings. We sometimes recreate pieces of art by famous artists such as Piet Mondrian using squares and bold colours.


In D&T we learn about preparing fruit and vegetables. We design and make our own fruit skewers as a tasty sports day refreshment:


We also learn how to use different utensils to create traffic light pizzas:


Making a chair for Baby bear is an interesting challenge, as well as exploring sliders and levers:


We enjoy describing objects as part of our poetry unit, composing riddles:


We had a visit from Zoolab. They brought in lots of interesting creatures for us to see. We enjoyed learning all about the creatures and even got the chance to hold some of them!